Saturday, October 16, 2010

Read Write Image Data Using T-SQL

Recently I need to display an image as logo on the SSRS reports. Since the logo needs to be replaced easily without modify the reports, I plan to store the image in a SQL table and use it as a database source image. The Image could be stored in either [VARBINARY](MAX) or [IMAGE] data type.

I use the OPENROWSET T-SQL script to upload the image file into the table. Then I could use the SELECT statement to retrieve it in SSRS.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Images](
[ImageID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ImageName] [nvarchar](40) NOT NULL,
[ImageFile] [varbinary](max) NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Images]
SELECT 'Logo.png', * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'C:\MyPhoto.png', SINGLE_BLOB) as Logo
To promote this image data to different systems, I need to create INSERT or UPDATE T-SQL statements to facilitate it.

For VARBINARY data type:

  • Use DATALENGTH()  to determine the size of the data first.
  • Then, use SUBSTRING to read in the data in 1024 bits
  • Use PRINT function to generate the Insert/Update statement that using .WRITE(expression, NULL, 1024) to append the image data in small pieces.

DECLARE @ptrval varbinary(1024), @Len int, @start INt, @end INT
SELECT @Len = DATALENGTH(ImageFile) FROM dbo.Images WHERE ImageName = 'Logo.png'
SET @Len = @Len-1    
SET @start = 0
PRINT 'INSERT INTO [dbo].[Images]
           ,CAST('''' AS VARBINARY))'
While @start < @Len 
    SELECT @ptrval = SUBSTRING(ImageFile, @start, 1024)  FROM dbo.Images WHERE ImageName = 'Logo.png' 
    PRINT 'UPDATE [dbo].[Images] SET [ImageFile].Write('
    PRINT @ptrval
    PRINT ', NULL, 1024 )
    WHERE [ImageName] = ''Logo'''
    SET @start =@start + 1024 
    SET @end = @start + 1024-1
    IF @end > @Len
        SET @end = @Len-@start+ 1
        SELECT @ptrval = SUBSTRING(ImageFile, @start, 1024)  FROM dbo.Images WHERE ImageName = 'Logo.png' 
        PRINT 'UPDATE [dbo].[Images] SET [ImageFile].Write('
        PRINT @ptrval
        PRINT ', NULL, 1024 )
        WHERE [ImageName] = ''Logo'''
        SET @start = @Len

  • After executing above query, the following result will be created and could be used as Insert/Update statements.

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Images]([ImageName] ,[ImageFile])VALUES ('Logo', CAST('' AS VARBINARY))
UPDATE [dbo].[Images] SET [ImageFile].Write(0xFF123462ABCE657033ED..........., NULL, 1024 )WHERE [ImageName] = 'Logo'
UPDATE [dbo].[Images] SET [ImageFile].Write(0x5C493D2522B62D1C894E3C..................., NULL, 1024 ) WHERE [ImageName] = 'Logo'.......

For IMAGE data type:

  • Use DATALENGTH()  to determine the size of the data first.
  • Use TEXTPTR() to retrieve a VARBINARY pointer.
  • Then use READTEXT function to read in the data in small pieces.

DECLARE @ptrval varbinary(16), @Len int, @start INt, @end INT
SELECT @Len = DATALENGTH(ImageFile) FROM dbo.Images WHERE ImageName = 'Logo.png'
SET @Len = @Len-1 
SELECT @ptrval = TEXTPTR(ImageFile) FROM dbo.Images WHERE ImageName = 'Logo.png'
SET @start = 0
While @start < @Len 
    READTEXT dbo.Images.ImageFile @ptrval @start 1024;
    SET @start =@start + 1024 
    SET @end = @start + 1024-1
    IF @end > @Len
        SET @end = @Len-@start+ 1
        READTEXT dbo.Images.ImageFile @ptrval @start @end;
        SET @start = @Len

  • After executing above query and storing the results in a text file,  Construct the Insert statement with a pointer and using UPDATETEXT statement to append the image data.

EXEC(N'INSERT INTO [dbo].[Images] ([ImageName], [ImageFile]) VALUES (''Logo'',0x89504E470...)')
EXEC(N'DECLARE @pv binary(16)
SELECT @pv=TEXTPTR([ImageFile]) FROM [dbo].[Images] WHERE [ImageName]=''Logo''
UPDATETEXT [Report].[Images].[ImageFile] @pv NULL NULL 0x493D2522B62D.......

Now, I could execute the T-SQL statement created against any new server to upload the image data.

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